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Category: Electro

Reviews of Electronic Music


Ignition’s Cold, Oxygen’s Pale (2011, Substitute Records) France. I met Neonbirds’ Leon when we played together in paris at L’international. Neonbirds is an electro duo with rock touches (electric guitar [ … ]


Zôly Ordinaire (2006, Jarring Effects) France, St Nazaire. Jako introduced me to Zôl’s music, when I was a student in Valenciennes. I think he discovered him in his search for [ … ]


Hallelujah (2012, Ad Noiseam) France. Here is another album by Igorrr and you won’t be disappointed ! The rhythmic patterns in Damaged Wig are absolutely crazy (I love the part at 1:54 [ … ]


Orbits (2012, Civil Music) USA, Philadelphia. On Discogs, Starkey is described as a dubstep artist in his previous album, and dubstep is not really my thing. What interests me a [ … ]


Da Mind Of Traxman (2012, Planet Mu Records) US, Chicago. Another good discovery on Planet Mu, with Traxman, with a music à la DJ Diamond, with these minimalists and powerful [ … ]

Puce Moment

Puce Moment (2013, Tsunami Addiction) France. Puce Moment is a new project by Nico and Penelope from the french band Cercueil. It is an electro-ambient music, sometimes drone, with amazing [ … ]