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Puce Moment

Puce Moment

(2013, Tsunami Addiction) France.

Puce Moment - Puce Moment

Puce Moment is a new project by Nico and Penelope from the french band Cercueil.

It is an electro-ambient music, sometimes drone, with amazing ambiences.

It is indeed a kind of music I’m not familiar with, I just know a couple Autechre’s ambient’s albums.

“Puce Moment” requires to be focused and I came back to the record several time.

I have to admit that my grindcore-heart needs a rhythmic section to carry a song I may fall in love with.

I liked (Drive) with its organic synthesizers (terrific at 2:34) and I appreciate the vocal layers. The theme played on the synths is amazing too.

I enjoyed  Slw Dwn for the same reasons.

I found interesting that external rhythm which comes out of Video Dada here and there.

The part that rises at 4:33 in Legacy is a success.

Some good songs !




1. (Drive)
2. Legacy
3. Video Dada
4. Slw Dwn

Puce Moment’s Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/pucemomentnoise

Puce Moment’s Tumblr page : http://pucemomentnoise.tumblr.com/

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