(2012, Rejuvenation Records) USA, Atlanta.
Here is a LP which may change some people opinions about physical release nowadays : What a terrific object !
This white vinyl with colours lines is in a somptuous sleeves illustrated by younganimal (the singer) inspired by Charles Burns drawing (thanks GregReju for this information).
Does this object got a soul ? For shizzle.
Hawks offers us a noisy rock music really loud and powerful, somewhere in between Haust, Black Elk, Swarm Of The Lotus and of course Shellac…
You’ll find all this in the well-named : Colossus and its awesome guitar’s riff which remains in head, like in Cottonmouth by the way.
I really love Blistered ‘s chorus “Wait until you see the eyes ! I’m not long for this world!”
Tanked is really funny and reminds me a little of Man Man’s songs or the last album by Take A Walk For A Walk Week from Glasgow.
The vocal performance in White Crosses is well-done !
I couldn’t add it in my top 5 but I really like too No Exercise on the B side.
A very good record.
Hawks is touring these days check this out : http://www.rejuvenationrecords.com/pages/label/infos/reju048.htm
1. Colossus |
2. Blistered |
3. Tanked |
4. White Crosses |
5. Cottonmouth |
Certains titres sont en écoute gratuite sur leur bandcamp.