Le Bal Du Rat Mort
(2012, Uproar For Veneration) Belgium.
What else to say ? Many other things…
What a surprise to see Kabul Golf Club from belgium in Paris at le Rigoletto the 22nd of June 2012.
The KGC offer us a modern rock-hardcore, diging good references as : Daughters (specially in Bits Of Freedom), Locust, Vandal-X, The 31g crew and many others probably.
More than words, images on the terrific Demon Days : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyOxN65YB4g&feature=player_embedded
Florent and John-Dana’s noisy guitars kill future. You need to see playing live to get the John-dana joke by the way.
the massive sound of the drum and bass guitar couple bring what is required for this all powerful band.
This brings me to the great Fast Moving Consumer Goods : The good rhythmics pattern and the vocals at 1:18 are really great ideas.
I really like the part at 1:06 in 5 minutes 2 Midnight : absolutely powerful.
I kept a good memory on the live render of Minus 45.
It is a real pleasure to see new bands in this genre I love a lot.
I can’t wait for their debut album to be released.
1. Demon Days |
2. Fast Moving Consumer Goods |
3. 5 Minutes 2 Midnight |
4. Bits Of Freedom |
5. Minus 45 |