God Knows
(2013, Fons Records) Belgique.

Every Vandal-X’s new album is a big slap.
Bart and Gunther are back with a more powerful drum, a more abrasive guitar, terrific compositions and a beautiful artwork.
You know who is the boss from the very beginning with God Knows.
I like the sound and the guitar’s riffs in Let Everybody Down and Help Me (Huge at 1:28).
I love a lot Scapegoat Blues (vocoder power and terrific part at 1:22).
The effects on the vocals in How Sick Is That make me think of the last Kabul Golf Club haha.
Vengeance is absolutely brutal, at every level : vocal-wise and fuzz-wise. It’s crazy, what a Final, bravo !
My top 5 is too short to list the following amazing tracks Loudmouth and No Shuffle.
Let’s dance their Waltz One Step Ahead.
A Must-Have-In-Your-Collection.
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1. God Knows |
2. Vengeance |
3. How Sick Is That |
4. Let Everybody Down |
5. Scapegoat Blues |
You can stream that album on Spotify, links all the way down the page.
All the songs are available here in free streaming : http://soundcloud.com/vandal-x
All Lined Up Against The Wall
(2008, Vlas Vegas Records) Belgique.

Here is Vandal X’s sixth album and we are still in “Instant Dislike”‘s vain.
I love the effect on the guitar at 0:57 in Don’t Expect Anything More.
The massive à-la-Norma-Jean parts in Fuck U2 and Blood And Guts are welcome.
The toms-pattern and the power in Toy Machine are terrific
I love the part at 1:37 or 2:07 in Get Out Now.
A good album.
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1. Toy Machine |
2. Fuck U2 |
3. Get Out Now |
4. Blood And Guts |
5. Don’t Expect Anything More |
You can stream that album on Spotify, links all the way down the page.
Instant Dislike
(2007, Vlas Vegas Records) Belgique.

We played with Vandal X years ago in Lille. “Instant Dislike” is the first album I managed to find before playing with them and I loved Crying Shame. What a power ! Anyone will appreciate the beauty of Bart’s fuzz and wah pedals. Amazing live video here : http://vimeo.com/62144399
The part at 0:23 of the terrific Fucking Switzerland is a killer (as for its variation at 1:13).
I like the bold riff and the sweet singing at the beginning of From You.
Story’s Told / Dead End‘s energy makes me think of the great first album by Swarm Of The Lotus.
I Like Your Picture is great, à la Akimbo but more meanest.
Many other great songs on that album like Burn The Witch, Gun Now…
A Must-Have-In-Your-Collection-If-You-Can-Find-It.
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1. Crying Shame |
2. Fucking Switzerland |
3. I Like Your Picture |
4. Story’s Told / Dead End |
5. From You |
You can stream that album on Spotify, links all the way down the page.
Two Man Army
(2004, Label Man) Belgique.

4th album and Gunther Liket arrived as new drummer.
From their live in Lille, on that album, I remember Jacobs Wife. I love these guitar’s sounds. The singing is melodic and stays in mind. Terrific Finale at 2:00.
Overlord and Blow The Gasline‘s riffs are awesome.
The power in Since We Met is massive.
The vocal performance on Weapons Of Massdestruction is huge !
Some good songs !
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1. Jacobs Wife |
2. Since We Met |
3. Overlord |
4. Weapons Of Massdestruction |
5. Blow The Gaseline |
You can stream that album on Spotify, links all the way down the page.
13 Basic Hate Tracks
(2002, Label Man) Belgique.

That album starts with two songs where the guitar is too saturated for me.
In the saturated songs I do love Wish You Away.
All changes with She’s Killing Me (The first sample is funny haha).
Prepare is a great song, with a cleanest guitar and efficient riffs.
I like the guitar’s riff and power in Run Away Boy.
Some good songs.
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1. Prepare |
2. Run Away Boy |
3. Wish You Away |
4. She’s Killing Me |
You can stream that album on Spotify, links all the way down the page.
Songs From The Heart
(1999, Label Man) Belgique.

That album is different from the others.
It is noise rock music à la Shellac, and there is few screams.
The song that describes the most this album is the first one Happy.
For some reason Extra Cold makes me think of S.O.A.D. haha.
I think what I dislike on that record is that slow tempo.
For fans.
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1. Happy |
2. Extra Cold |
You can stream that album on Spotify, links all the way down the page.
Little Man’s Blues
(1998, Zeppos Records) Belgique.

Vandal X is a belgian noise-rock duo, let’s say noise-hardcore.
I met them in Lille at la Malterie the 12th of January 2008 when we opened for them with H.O.Z.
They play a very powerful music and both of them are singing.
“Little Man’s Blues” is their first album and sounds like it.
You may recognize some of the patterns presents in their future album and their taste for movie’s samples.
I enjoy Come On and its part at 1:48 or Highway Hooligan.
For fans.
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1. Come On |
2. Highway Hooligan |
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