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Eden Maine

To You The First Star

(2005, Undergroove Records) UK

“To You First Star” is, in my opinion, a major album for Hardcore music.

I’m so sad that this amazing band has split. Eden Maine has a huge sensitivity about composition, ambiences and very skilled musicians.
I just discovered in writing this review that this album was released on Undergroove Records, which make this label gain in importance in my heart because of the band it signs : Take a Worm for a Walk Week, The Ghost of A Thousand, …

Drum’s riffs are very rich, Vocals spread in an original flow and guitars riffs very sad and powerful.

In I Am What You Are there is a very powerful break after “memory” at 1:35.
There is another interesting break in Dysinformasiya at 0:55.

At 1:30 in Do Not Move A Muscle, Do Not Breathe A Word with a big build-up with choirs very well-done, which remind me some songs of Fear Before the March of Flames.

The whole album is really interesting, here is a live video :





1. I Am What You Are
2. Disinformasiya
3. Do Not Move A Muscle, Do Not Breathe A Word
4. Hail Satan
5. More Fireflies For The Candlelight

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